Archive for the ‘Leke’ Tag

A Fine Day It Was, How Was Yours?   Leave a comment

I had a nice day out last October 5. I went to an Amish store in nearby Jamesport, about 10 miles away. Jamesport probably has the largest Amish and Mennonite population in the state of Missouri. I then decided I’d go to Crowder State Park, since I was about half way there already. I’d been there once before and thought I’d see if I could get in some hiking.

The park has a nice lake, not huge, but in a nice setting. I parked the car at the far end of the road. I found the beginning of a hiking trail behind a covered picnic table area and started off up what passes for a mountain in this part of Missouri until I ran into another trail. I later learned that this new trail is three miles long and goes all the way around the “mountain”, but I probably only did 1 1/2 to 2 miles, as I took a short cut up a paved road which intersected the trail.

The “mountain” was fully wooded and no one else was out, except I did pass a man and woman walking a dog while I was driving, but no one was on the trail. I took my time and did surprisingly well for an out-of-shape old man and just took in the scenery. I discovered a closed camping area at the end of the road, and a dirt road that led off to the side. I followed the dirt road until its end, which was an open field of harvested corn or something. I reversed directions and went back up until the road crossed the trail I started on and continued in my previous direction until I came to the lake once again.

Surprisingly, I wasn’t sore, as I hadn’t done much walking because it’s been too hot. I then went back to Jamesport and indulged in the little Mennonite buffet there, then went home. All together a nice day. I hope your day was great, too.

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Crowder State Park edited

My favorite of the photos I took of the lake

Crowder State Park Autumn leaves

A bit of Autumn leaves overlooking the lake

Crowder State Park trees

This is mostly what it looked like surrounding the trail, a lot of ups and downs

Crowder State Park dry creek bed source

I followed a dry stream bed that emptied out into the lakeand it led to this hole in the rock

Cross near Tranton

This huge cross stands at the intersection of State Hwy 6 and 246 (I think), which is the turn-off point to head to the park.