Archive for the ‘Optimism’ Tag

Weekly Photo Challenge: Optimistic   15 comments

Looking out the window I see snow in all its variations: the pure white driven snow of poems and photographs—on the ground, trees, houses and cars; human, fowl and other animal footprints in the snow; snowbound tire tracks; polluted, blackened snow of ashes and soot from the wood-burning stove to give tires more traction; pathways shoveled in the snow; snow tracks in the house which quickly turn to small puddles—all of which point to one thing: I HATE SNOW! AND I HATE COLD!

Ah, but Spring now. That’s the ticket, along with summer and even fall. These photographs leave me with the hope that this global warming, freezing snow and cold will soon be another thing of the past. Now, THAT’S being OPTIMISTIC!

Comments are always welcome.

Link back to Weekly Photo Challenge: Optimistic

You’re welcome to visit my Barns! Barns! Barns! photostream in flickr where you can register for free and upload your own photos of old barns, farm houses and other farm-related items. There are currently 318 members and 2,080 photographs and growing. If you love barns, you’ll love this website!


Blossoms, blossoms everywhere! One of the first signs of Spring, one that often fills the air with sweet smells, as well as stark beauty.

Day Lilies

While Day Lillies are not a sign of Spring, they are a sign of newness of life, which continues throughout the year, beginning with Spring. They are also very beautiful.


At first glance, I thought these were ferns, but I don’t believe they are. Nevertheless, they green up the landscape and make the browns of winter fade into memory.


While I don’t know what these flowers are called, they do beautify the roadsides pretty much everywhere in rural Missouri.


These appear to be part of a patch of Jerusalem Artihokes growing in the wild. Can you find the bee (or whatever it is)?

New life

As near as I can tell, this is a bloodroot blossom and was the first sign of life one Spring day near Gallatin, Missouri. I’m not 100% positive but it’s as close a match as I could find.