Weekly Photo Challenge: Creepy (Ghosts of Children)   42 comments

Ghosts of Children


Wherewith hath come

The screeching wind

That withered frame

And emptied rooms,

That sent mice racing

To their holes,

While ghosts of children

Play in the grass?


Oh, the times they change

But life moves on,

Yet their skeletons

Stay behind

With stark remains

Of joy and pain

While ghosts of children

Play in the grass.


Cris Coleman

August 15, 2015


Link back to Weekly Photo Challenge: Creepy

You’re welcome to visit my Barns! Barns! Barns! photostream in flickr where you can register for free and upload your own photos of old barns, farm houses and other related items.

 The night has been unruly: where we lay, Our chimneys were blown down; and, as they say, Lamentings heard i' the air; strange screams of death, And prophesying with accents terrible Of dire combustion and confused events New hatch'd to the woeful time: the obscure bird Clamour'd the livelong night: some say, the earth Was feverous and did shake. (Macbeth, 2.3)

The night has been unruly: where we lay,
Our chimneys were blown down; and, as they say,
Lamentings heard i’ the air; strange screams of death,
And prophesying with accents terrible
Of dire combustion and confused events
New hatch’d to the woeful time: the obscure bird
Clamour’d the livelong night: some say, the earth
Was feverous and did shake.
(Macbeth, 2.3)

42 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Creepy (Ghosts of Children)

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  1. Definitely looks haunted! I love how the clouds match the ominous appearance. Really good find. Can you get in to shoot? Would you?

    • There wasn’t a “No Trespassing” sign on the property, but it was just outside a small town with some traffic going back and forth. I didn’t feel like it would be a good idea to go in with my car parked in the driveway. So, I thought the better side of caution was to pass on. 🙂

  2. Creepy indeed – we all abandoned have houses like this in our childhood somehow too

  3. The photo works really well for the challenge. I think it is creepy in part because there are a few signs of modern life there, the ac unit and the TV dish, but it also looks abandoned.

  4. Nice!

  5. It looks like one of those normal yet haunted, spooky houses you see in movies. Everything is normal from the outside, it just a regular old house but once you walk in… life will never be the same!

  6. Oh! The sight of the house is quite unsettling….as if it’s ready to devour the living souls…!

    Very apt picture. Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog…much appreciated… 🙂

    You’ve a new follower… 😀

  7. That look like a haunted house.

    • One never knows about these things, but because it was on private property, I decided not to go in and find out, even though there were no No Trespassing signs in sight.

  8. This house is a great find for photographing. Good post

  9. Thank you for dropping by! I love barns too.

  10. I love old houses and old barns. Oh the stories they could tell if walls could talk.

    • I agree. Makes me wish I had ESP or something when I pass by these old relics. You might want to check out my Barns! Barns! Barns! site as linked to on my website. It was originally intended to showcase old barns, but there are all sorts of barns, new and old. Still it is great. 🙂

  11. That’s an amazing old house and I love your Ghosts of Children poem. It’s all delightfully creepy!

    • Thank you, Trisha. Your comment made me smile — “delightfully creepy” — I love that. I was looking for something to go with the photo and that just sort of spilled out. LOL

  12. Like the poetry and pic, Cris. I often pass abandoned homes/farms and wonder what went on in their heyday. Good job!

    • I do the same. I take a lot of photos of these old relics and wish BigAg hadn’t ruined the small farmer. I know there were other reasons, too, but they didn’t help matters any. My 6+ years in SW Iowa were probably the best years of my life, or close to it, anyway.

  13. Yep, that house is creepy. Nice job with the poem and the picture choice!

  14. What a great house… I love it!

    • The house is just outside of a very small town, village, really, and I was tempted to take a peek inside, as there wasn’t any No Trespassing signs anywhere in evidence, but I chickened out because, one, I was a stranger in the area, and, two, surprisingly, there was an occasional car passing by. i love these old houses also, old barns, too.

      • I do that. If there are no signs around… However, you’ve gots to very careful. You never know what you’ll find, including people! But it’s very fun, sort of like being a detective.

        • For some reason your comment reminds me of when I was in high school. My junior high school had been arsoned and I was walking around and came across a ramp that led into a very dark ???. I never knew there was an underground anything at the school. I wanted to go down there, but I was too scared, afraid I’d find someone down there who would do damage to my body. I’d probably still not go down there if I were confronted with such a scene today. LOL

          • You know, I do NOT go into places more than I actually do. Why? Because I use my instincts, my gut and my common sense. If a place obviously looks like you shouldn’t enter, I don’t. But more than that, it’s how it FEELS. I could tell many, many stories…

          • Sounds like a blog in the making — “many, many stories”. LOL

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